As you know I've been on the quest for the perfect makeup case for travel.
The Sephora ZUCA bag is a gorgeous bag that came with an outside protector and 5 inner bags. This carrier can double as a makeup chair if you don't have one and is supposedly able to support up to 300lbs. This bag seems more suitable for a PRO than a person looking for a travel case.
Check out my video as I compare it to my Samsonite travel carry on luggage. =)
Another tag video! I suppose this kind of doubles as my August Favorites too. These are my most worn things this summer 2012. I tag those of you who I correspond with on youtube to upload your most worn things this summer. You know who you are! We comment on each others videos all the time. ;) I won't call you out just in case some of you are like, "No, I don't want to do this video!" =P To anyone else who wants to create a video response -please feel free!
(If you don't want to, I totally understand)
Here are the questions:-
1. Most Worn Nail Polish
2. Most Worn Hair Product
3. Most Worn Bag
4. Most Worn Accessory
5. Most Worn Shoes
6. Most Work Foundation
7. Most Worn Eye Shadow
8. Most Worn Mascara
9. Most Worn Blush/Bronzer
10. Most Worn Lip product