Monday, October 20, 2014

My Paris France City Pharma Haul

Hello Beauties!

It has been less than a week since I've been back from Paris and I have just finished editing my YouTube Paris Skincare Haul. It is not often that I also write about a haul but this experience was quite unique so I thought I would try to help anyone else out here who might also be a French Pharmacie newbie.

Before arriving in my Paris my plan was to seek and buy local French drugstore makeup that is hard to come by in the USA. Through a quick search I found that drugstore makeup is not sold in Pharmacies in France. Pharmacies in France are quite different and focus much more on skincare and medicine.

I was able to pinpoint a very specific Pharmacie on 26 Rue du Four that seemed like every single person had visited. This place also happened to be really close to our hotel. I told my husband about it and he actually booked a hotel close by on purpose. The first time I walked in I was completely overwhelmed. I had been warned by bloggers to be prepared with a list. They were not kidding. Most products are in french and there are absolutely shelves full of new products that are unfamiliar to the US shopper. I left there feeling completely overwhelmed. But I did go back a few days later armed with a list and was able to get in and out pretty quick. 

What I picked up:

BioDerma Crealine H20: I picked this two pack up for €15.40. Every single person in the shop had some form of Bioderma solution in their basket, it was obvious to me that this was the thing that one must not miss.

 Sanoflore Veritable Eau Florale: Snagged this for €5.50. I grabbed this based on a blog (design mom) I read for it's under eye soothing properties.

Safforelle: I heard that one does not know how clean you can be down there until you've tried this stuff. I picked up this 2 pack for €8.99.

Biafine Emulsion: I picked this 93g tube up for €2.99.

Nuxe Reve de Miel (in stick form): I picked up this stick form because I prefer that format. This is the only item I did not pick up from City Pharma because they didn't carry the stick form. I snagged this two pack for €6.00.

I looked for Homeoplasmine but I was told they don't carry it anymore. I also asked for Avibon which I could not understand the shop sales woman's response.

The 3 largest sources of my list came from the following videos and links.

Fleur De Force's French Skincare video as linked below:

Lisa Eldridge's French Pharmacie Favouries linked below:

Gweneth Paltrow's famous goop list.

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